It is impossible to motivate, inspire, respect me or others, have fun, delight, play, enjoy, truly connect, grieve, commit, belong, mature, or inspire, if I am living and acting from a transactional identity rather than a transformational one. If I am living from consumption, rather than a connection I will put all the right props in place, read from the right script, and build the right platform that collects followers, but not friends. Power, not compassion. A power that is always slipping through my hands.
We have been sold a bunch of crap, packaged as creme brulee.
We are making money for others with our eyes, bodies, hearts, and souls.
Deception: deception noun de·cep·tion di-ˈsep-shən
a: the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid: the act of deceiving